Jun 4, 2010

Sustainability & Us

The current situation on Earth is such that topics like climate, global markets, energy, food and population growth are increasingly more important to our existence on this planet. The answer to all these issues and problems lies in the word “Sustainability.” Sustainability is the key in all aspects of life, be it business or environment.

So, what does all that mean for businesses on the North Shore?

Economy, society, and environment are basic parts of any community. And we like to think of our community as particularly unique. If Sustainability can be only achieved by striking a right balance between these three parts, then we intend to provide clear, specific insights into actions that will help us here. Or at least give it a good try.

Every business shoulders its own responsibilities, but we can foster greater awareness and help illuminate new pragmatic business ideas. Our common future can only be achieved with a better understanding of our common concerns and shared responsibilities.

Please join our Forum: here on our blog, or at our monthly meetings at the Cleantech Innoventure Center in Lynn. We're part of the North Shore Technology Council.

We welcome your input.

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